Category Archives: Book Reviews

Currently Reading: The Disease Conspiracy – The FDA Suppression of Cures


The Disease Conspiracy

After investing in my health by drinking high alkaline, ionized water, I have been trying to learn as much as possible about natural says to cure cancer.
I picked this gem up tonight for my new library on nutrition at The Book Man in Chilliwack for $8. That was $8 well spent. I’ve started glancing through the pages. I’ll read through it and write up a little summary in the near future.

Kurt Cobain, Clearly Murdered

I’m in the process of finishing Love and Death, with only a few dark chapters left to go. Up until a few weeks ago, I really didn’t know anything about Kurt Cobain, or his death, except that it had been declared a suicide. Reading Love and Death has opened my eyes to a very twisted and tragic situation that everyone should be aware of.

With the anniversary of Kurt’s murder approaching, I hope more evidence comes to light and that Tom Frank, Courtney Love’s former Private Investigator, is able to fully expose this disgusting immoral act. 

The Willpower To Live


In The Willpower To Live, local author, Jordy Johnson, walks us through his troubled childhood, youth and inevitably his adult life, in this often violent expose.

Growing up in Ladner, British Columbia, Canada with his mother and sister after his parents divorced, Jordy grew up in at atmosphere where the men were rough, hard drinking and hard living. After being in trouble with the law on several occasions, Jordy’s life changes drastically when he falls 14 feet and lands on his head, crushing his skull.

After three serious craniotomy surgeries, and the passing of his beloved mother, Jordy is miraculously still walking on this earth, living with purpose and inspiring others on a daily basis by sharing his graphic life story.

The Willpower To Live can be purchased online with a quick google search or you can contact Jordy directly to arrange an autographed copy.







Dr. Mary’s Monkey by Ed Haslam

Last week was the 52nd anniversary of the assassinations of JFK and Lee Harvey Oswald. For many people, November 22nd came and went, without so much as a thought about JFK or his assassination. But for my amazing group of friends, associates and heroes, we attended Trine Day’s JFK Conference (Friday the 20th – Sunday the 22nd) at the Crowne Plaza in Dallas, Texas. We also honored JFK and Oswald with a large group of the public on the grassy knoll with a moment of silence.

It was an extremely significant and life altering experience for myself. From the start of my pilgrimage until I returned home, I met one amazing person after another, knowing full well that God had brought us together.

Erin Lacey with Ed Haslam, author of Dr. Mary’s Monkey.

Prior to the JFK Conference, I had NOT read Dr. Mary’s Monkey. And I had not met or corresponded with Mr. Ed Haslam before. Kicking myself, I introduced myself to him and his wife and vowed not to leave Dallas without getting a signed copy of his book (which I did!).

If you have never read Dr. Mary’s Monkey, which investigates the July 21st, 1964 murder of cancer researcher, Dr. Mary Sherman in New Orleans, Louisiana, please watch the video clip posted above. It features Ed Haslam as he gives a thorough account of his research into this infamous New Orleans cold case.

Until Sunday night rolled around at the conference, I didn’t realize how VITAL the connection from the JFK assassination, Oswald, David Ferrie, Clay Shaw, Guy Bannister, Dr. Alton Ochsner etc. was to the murdered Dr. Mary Sherman.

As he delved more and more into this extremely complicated case, he realized how New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison had independently been connecting the dots. You MUST listen to this interview and read the book yourself! It’s fascinating!

The U.S. Public Health Service Hospital where Dr. Mary Sherman worked on her cancer experiments using a linear particle accelerator. This device is most certainly the cause of her missing arm and incredible disfigured torso. She was then stabbed in the heart, her body moved from her laboratory back to her apartment and her body set on fire.

Much of the mystery surrounding Dr. Mary Sherman’s murder has to do with the polio vaccine that Dr. Alton Ochsner and his team was working on. Sadly, the cells for the vaccine were grown on the kidneys of monkeys and after we started to vaccinate the general public in North America, Europe and Africa, AIDS reared it’s ugly head.

And apparently, the vaccine has also caused cancer to EXPLODE in a global epidemic! 19 million people in the US received these vaccines in just ONE mass vaccination. 19 millions!

My mind is just exploding with the information I’ve been processing since last week. One needs to understand the Big Picture.

Many people do not realize that the Polio virus vaccination was grown on the kidneys of monkeys. 


I’m on Chapter 12 of this amazing book. I’ll be finished tomorrow. I don’t think it will stray far from my desk, though. It’s a wealth of information and I haven’t been able to help myself, I’ve been searching for more clues about her murder and Dr. Alton Ochsner.

Invest in a copy of Dr. Mary’s Monkey. You won’t be disappointed! And watch the video that I posted above!

And now? I’m off to read some more! I hope you enjoy Dr. Mary’s Monkey as much as I am!

Thank you, Ed Haslam, for all of your hard work!! Your book is filled with a wealth of research and information. Your search for justice is very tangible!

We Were Freedom, Canadian Stories Of The Second World War

We Were Freedom, Canadian Stories Of The Second World War.
We Were Freedom, Canadian Stories Of The Second World War.

We took this book out from our local library last week and we’ve been reading a story before bed each night, sometimes two. It’s a WONDERFUL book, filled with wit, humour, heroic efforts, sadness, tragedy and love. With Remembrance Day coming up on November 11th, I think the timing is appropriate. Thank you to all of our veterans, present and past, for all you have done.

Words Of Advice From WWII POW Survivor, Louis Zamperini

Don't Give Up, Don't Give In - Lessons From An Extraordinary Life - Written By Louis Zamperini & David Resin
Don’t Give Up, Don’t Give In – Lessons From An Extraordinary Life – Written By Louis Zamperini & David Resin

As I read “Never Give Up, Never Give In”, (written by Louis Zamperini and David Rensis) I couldn’t help but love Louis for his common sense advice that he gives his readers or how he recalled his wonderful memories. With an old school heart and mentality, Louis was the definition of perseverance. Let me share some of Louis’s words with you.

“All things work together for good.”

“Acceptance creates cheerfulness, which in turn creates contentment.”

“There’s rarely a situation a pretty woman can’t help fix.”

“You can’t just talk about how you live your life. You have to live it.”

“When you’re wrong, admit it. When you’re right, keep your mouth shut. Whatever you do, do not tell your wife/husband what I have just told you.”

“The Olympic spirit is in the wind. You don’t see it coming or going but you hear its voice. You feel the power of its presence. You enjoy the results of its passing. and then it becomes a memory, an echo of days of glory.” – 1936

“I’m 97 years old and, like everyone else, a little afraid of death because no matter how old you are you’re always making plans and you don’t want to be interupted. I feel as if I’ve already lived two hundred years, but I wouldn’t mind two hundred more just so I can keep doing what I’ve been doing: helping the underdog.”

I thoroughly loved reading Don’t Give Up, Don’t Give In”. I tried to imagine Louis sitting in front of me in person, telling me his stories himself. I can imagine the energy and life in his eyes, his quick mind, his facial expressions and how he’d use his hands with his story telling. And the joy that would emanate from him, knowing that he had an apt listener who wanted to know more. Although he wasn’t here with me, I could definitely feel his spirit.

I hope you enjoyed this post.

Don’t Give Up, Don’t Give In

Don't Give Up, Don't Give In - Lessons From An Extraordinary Life - Written By Louis Zamperini & David Resin
Don’t Give Up, Don’t Give In – Lessons From An Extraordinary Life – Beautifully written By Louis Zamperini & David Resin.

As I toured the beautiful City of Torrance, California this summer with my guy, we passed the local Zamperini airport. Curious, I asked him about the airport and the name. He explained that Louis Zamperini (1917-2014) was a local to Torrance, a young Olympian who was WWII bombardier  that had been captured at sea by the Japanese, placed in a POW camp where he was tortured in a horrific manner by Imperial Japanese Mutsuhiro Watanabe Army Sergeant. He survived and was eventually released. And  didn’t I know that the recently released movie, Unbroken, was about Louis and his life?

Very intrigued, I watched Unbelievable, directed by Angelina Jolie, shortly after.

All I can say is, when you watch it, have tissues handy. I was reduced to a gushing mess.  🙂

Although the summer has come and gone, and I’ve made my way back to Canada, thoughts of Louis and my time in Torrance keep creeping up.  Recently, at our local library, I caught the name Zamperini out of the corner of my eye as I passed a shelf. I grabbed the book with eagerness, excited to get home to read more about this amazing soul. I consumed the book within a few days and I hope to get a copy of my own one day. The book is highly interesting, full of love, inspiration and humour, as Louis recalls his many adventures and offers his words of wisdom. My heart was touched several times, as I’m sure yours will be.

Louis Zamperini, gone, but impossible to forget.  May Louie inspire you to live an extraordinary life.  He has definitely inspired me.

JFK vs CIA: The Central Intelligence Agency’s Assassination Of The President

JFK vs CIA: Written by Michael Calder
JFK vs CIA: The Central Intelligence Agency’s Assassination Of The President by Michael Calder.


I was lucky enough to be gifted a beautiful, signed copy of this book from the talented Michael Calder. It sits upon my shelf, dog eared and a touch water logged.

Michael gives a very honest evaluation of his research of the JFK assassination, pointing out quite clearly, who was responsible for the murder of President Kennedy.

I’ll have to revisit this blog post to draft a well deserved review.

Thank you for the fabulous book, Michael, it is truly treasured. And I hope you enjoy this fabulous photo of me advertising your book 🙂


What Kind Of Books Would We Find In YOUR Library?


My growing JFK library.
My growing JFK library.


Over the years, I’ve acquired a great collections of books, reaching well over 1000 at times. While I love books, I have learned, over time, that you can’t keep EVERY book that you fancy. That’s crazy 🙂 Trust me, before you know it, you have books everywhere. Especially when you like a variety of subjects. And you can’t THROW them out and you struggle even giving them away because you KNOW there might be a tidbit of information in one of them that you might NEED one day. And if you get rid of it, your fabulous source is gone forever. 🙂

So, over time, I’ve gifted my books to appreciative people and donation boxes. And now, I have a growing JFK library that I treasure. Many of the books in my library have been sent by the authors themselves or have been donations from fabulous friends. And a good portion have also come from second hand stores! You’d be surprised that treasures can be found in the second hand stores.

What is YOUR book collecting style or preference? How do you keep your collection organized? Do you have any valuable book collecting tips to offer?

If you have stumbled across this page and you have a book that you are wanting to submit for an online review, please send a message to me with your information. Please describe the book and author in the comments section. Thank you 🙂